Integrating C-code and/or C++-code into the application (deprecated)

This section describes the creation and usage of the so-called ST interfaces with the pragma {extern_c} or {extern_cxx} in order to create →blocks in →C and/or →C++ and integrate them into the Neuron Power Engineer application.

Attention: Neuron advises against the use of these ST interfaces and recommends the use of the so-called →vendor blocks instead.

Integration of

Supported for these platforms




ArduinoNanoV3BuiltInPlcControllinoMINIControllinoMAXIControllinoMEGAControllinoMAXIAutomation, LinuxX86WindowsX86 

Perform the following steps, if you want to create and use C-blocks and C++-block within Neuron Power Engineer:

Articles in this section:

(info) If required, it is also possible to create an application completely in C or C++.